Sunday 29 January 2012

Blue Monday (The rantings of a travelling Manc!!!)

Firstly, I think I need to apologise for not writing anything on here for a while. Why? Well, a combination of things really... Christmas, busyness and that unfortunate thing most of us have to do... work! I'd like to say I write full time but I'm not so lucky! I have to go out, get stressed, bring the pennies in and pay bills like most of us mere mortals.

Also, it's difficult time of year. It's cold, miserable and grey. Last year it snowed in November and didn't let up till March. Not the case this year, just pure grimness :( Looking out the window doesn't inspire me to leave my warm comfy flat, and so I haven't had anything remotely interesting to write about. Inspiration is at an all time low and procrastination at an all time high!

Which leads me nicely onto why I'm writing this article. Apparently, some nerdy scientist 'calculated' (I use these terms loosely) that the Monday just gone, i.e, 23rd January is officially the most depressing day of this year. Personally, I think this so called 'calculation' is a load of rubbish (I sincerely hope he wasn't paid for this research!) but I do believe this January, at least for me, has been depressing beyond belief, and the worst thing is, I can't quite pin point exactly why I am feeling like this.

Having said that, January is a depressing time for many. Grey skies, rain, and a serious deficiency in sunlight is enough to affect anyone's mood. Post Christmas blues add to this. Mostly, were skint, and opening presents on a Christmas morning is but a distant memory (more so for me as I live in a different country than my family) and finally our bodies being shocked from all the calorific rubbish we gorged on only to be swapped for lettuce, lettuce and more lettuce (I feel sorry for poor rabbits).

Are you all depressed by this article yet???!!! Read on, it gets better!

Well here's the good news... the end of January is upon us (YAY!) and soon the temperatures will rise, pasty skin will be no more and we'll all be running round in minimal clothing! I, for one, cannot wait.

So now Blue Monday has officially passed, we can cheer the **** up and look forward to sunnier climes, hooray! 

This gets me onto thinking of holidays. Where should I go this year? Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a hardcore Croatia fan. I've visited so many times I couldn't mentally begin to count. Words cannot express how beautiful and amazing the country is. If you haven't been then book a flight ASAP, you will not regret it. Given half the chance, I  wouldn't leave it.

Aside from my lovely Hrvatski, there are other places I intend on going to this year. I am on the verge of booking a flight to Porto, to go and visit my lovely friend who I miss dearly. I haven't been to Portugal before so it would be a new experience for me (plus a cheap holiday, bonus!).

I also have my eye on Malta. I have been before and it is also extremely beautiful, I would definitely like to see more of it. Unfortunately when I did go last, it was marred by bad memories as I was in a particularly bad situation (one word.... ex. Eugh, says it all doesn't it?). I hope that by going again my memories will be more positive ones that I think of in the future, and not the negative ones I currently think of.

I have also been invited to Dubai for a holiday, but I am bound by the restraints of money (boo!) which is a big shame as I would love to go...maybe at the latter end of the year I may be able to if I can keep my prying eyes away from those clothes shops windows (who am I trying to kid?!).

But of course plenty of weekend jaunts await me! Living in a landlocked country has its benefits after all in that there are plenty of countries surrounding me and are relatively inexpensive to visit by train or coach. I'm a regular to Berlin and have just returned from Krakow (amazing btw!). Also there is much to see in the Czech Republic still so I guess all this will keep me busy for the next 12 months!

Finally if any of you have any suggestions or live somewhere beautiful then please do share. I love listening about other peoples adventures!

So please, don't be like me and be sad this January, the worst is over and the best is yet to come. Happy 2012 and I hope it's a great one for everybody!

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